Here is a run-through of what to expect when you arrive at Sage Float Spa for the first time, as well as some simple tips and best practices to help you prepare for and get the most out of your float. 


What to expect:

  • When you first arrive, we give you a brief tour of our facility and take you to your private float room where we explain the tanks, give you our "Sage Tips" and answer any questions.

  • You’ll shower, put in the provided wax ear plugs, and put Vaseline on any scrapes or cuts.

  • Step into the pod nude, lay on your back, find a position that feels most comfortable, and try the neck cushion if you feel it’s needed.

  • After a few minutes, your spine will decompress and you’ll start to lose track of where your body ends and the water begins – transcending all distractions and discomforts of the body.

  • Music can be played through your float, or turned off - the choice is yours. You can also control the lights inside of the pod.

  • Exit the pod, shower and share your experience.